Welding Molybdenum Electrode
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Molybdenum electrodes are formed by balanced pressing, forging to various of types after sintering with medium frequency furnace and then turning, rolling, planning and milling.
Cleaned molybdenum wire, namely white molybdenum wire, is molybdenum wire removes graphite coating on the surface by using the methods of electrolytic cleaning and hydrogen-sintered cleaning, and has a good bright and shiny surface. The diameter of cleaned molybdenum wire is ranging from 0.05mm to 3mm.
Spray molybdenum wire is regularly covered with graphite. When removed graphite, spray molybdenum wire is metallic luster. It has a good high-temperature tensile strength and corrosion resistance after sintering, forging, and drawing.
Pure molybdenum can be presented in many types. Molybdenum bar is one popular product made of molybdenum. Therefore, molybdenum bar shares the properties of molybdenum, which are high melting point, good thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion. At high temperature, they can resist oxidation and have high strength without any distortion during the procession, etc.